Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ummm Seriously!?


hahahahaha I just CANNOT help but blog about this one...SOO FUNNY. Please take the time to read the link. This guy got a DUI for drinking and driving his BAR STOOL. Apparently it can go up to 38MPH? Impressive! I love that USAToday posted this little story, very entertaining and such a balance to all the down and out stuff about the economy.

Do yall like reading little retarded but entertaining stories like this...or is it pointless to even cover?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Negative publicity is still...publicity


This article in USAToday quickly briefs the star potential of blogger Perez Hilton and how he still manages to have all kinds of famous friends despite the fact his well known blog trashes and rips a part the majority of hollywood. I think though that he is just a spade in the card game of fame. SO many people read this blog that any talk he gives them ups their status level. Kinda. You have to be pretty A-list to be on perezhilton.com 

Social media have really turned into a beast. I mean here we are all blogging about media, but you have someone like Perez Hilton who has turned his blog into his own pocket of fame, by talking about other famous people. Its interesting the type of power that gossip coupled with celebrity has. And a bit sad too. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Orphan Cars


I feel like I just cannot stop talking about the economy...but it isn't my fault! Everything, almost all news stories like I mentioned before come full cirlce and are in some way affected by our economic situation. Here is another story in USAToday regarding these "Orphan" smart cars that have been ordered but no one come to pick up, or backs out of the purchase.

SmartCars are not dealership based. Rather, they are ordered online, and the customer has to pay a $99 down payment...so its not a HUGE amount to lose. Well, now there are all kinds of ordered and manufactured smart cars, but with no drivers. Sad.

Its an interesting trend to cover on behalf of USAToday because I have had numerous conversations with parents of my friends and my own parents, who live in citites that car dealerships are on every corner, and apparently cars are just stacked mile high, with no where to put them because no one is buying. But then that makes me think...Shouldn't these companies who are already having to be bought out by the government STOP MANUFACTURING SO MANY DARN CARS. Isn't this a no brainer?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Cover of Talk Show Giants


Well, Ellen DeGeneres' dream has come true...she will be on the cover of 'O' magazine (Oprah's magazine) If you don't know very much about Oprah or Ellen, you probably don't find this situation incredibly entertaining. See, Oprah is ALWAYS on the cover of her own magazine issue. Literally, every single edition of O has her on it. That's just the way it is. So for months Ellen has been making jokes that her dream is to be on the cover of O, which obviously is ridiculous because it is Oprah's magazine and she is without fail, always on the cover.

Oprah made a call into Ellen during Ellen's show and informed her that she would like Ellen to be on the cover with her. And Ellen responded that now her new goal was to make this the highest selling issue of O that Oprah has ever had. And I don't doubt that Ellen will make that happen. These are two of the biggest talk show women ever, each with their own qualities that make them so successful. No, Ellen isn't on Oprah's level in term of wealth, but she is quite the talk show success nonetheless. I can't wait to see what happens when these two media giants come together. I think its going to be a no brainer...

Obama to Iran


USAtoday covered Obama's video address to Iran where he urged that he wants to make negotiations and peace with Iran's government. Personally, I'm not so concerned with what Obama did say in the video although I did like his quote "we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist"...Such a great speaker :) Anyways, what I'm interested in is what media he disseminated this video to. I couldn't find it anywhere on USAtoday, I'm not sure if he wanted to touch that entire geolinguistic region by going through al jazeera where I also found the video, or if the video went directly to Iranian officials. I think Obama is setting the precedent of wanting to change relations with Iran after two or three decades of hostility, and he is doing so by using middle-east centered media. Did you know that the first person Obama gave an interview too after the inauguration was a reporter from MBC?(an Arabic broadcasting station)
In my opinion Obama is trying to change the way he deals with this part of the globe by going through their medias...which is quite the strategy. Anyone agree or disagree?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cloudy Days

The mental health of most American's isn't looking too good according to this website from USAToday http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2009-03-11-stress-poll_N.htm

I read the comments on Michelle's post about reality TV, specifically the point Andrew made about people wanting to escape their reality and it started to really drive home for me as I read this article. The general public is seeing a definite decline in happiness and emotional well-being. Obviously, it is directly correlated with the current economic crisis.

I began to think about all of these factors and the role the media plays in a time like this. Does the media reinforce the problems we are all facing...making the situation seem more daunting and inescapable than it actually is...or does the media give us an escape? like reality TV, movies and shows?

Perhaps it is a bit of both...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009



Obama calls on more education, better teachers, and longer school years to help our economic crisis in the future. It is quite the connection but he definitely has a point. Its interesting to me though that pretty much everything in the news these days is tied to the economic situation our country is currently facing. It just goes to show how everything can always come back to economics.

Have any of you noticed this same trend?...that stories, whether or not they are directly related to economics, somehow are connected? I'd be interested to read some examples. Why is the media focusing so heavily on this....because it is affecting everyone? because they think the reading audience can really identify? or because there isn't anything else to talk about?