Monday, April 20, 2009

10 years later

I think this may be the article that I share with everyone in class because reading it really moved me. It allowed me to seriously question our abilities as journalists to deal with crisis events, and the human nature's longing to make sense of tragedy...during which we often frame the happening in ways that weren't completely accurate. 

This article take a strong long at all the ways we got Columbine wrong...the killers weren't bullies, they were trouble troubled young men who never got psychological help. They weren't taking revenge on those that wronged them, they had actually planned a Oklahoma City like attack...but none of the bombs went off. The girl who's mom wrote a book about her sacrifice...never said yes, never happened.

The chaos that occurred ten years ago today led reporters to search for reasons, led the community to search for answers. Amid all of the reckoning with why this tragedy happened the truth got skewed and this article is seeking to bring it back, a decade later. Hindsight is a beautiful thing.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Didn't people learn any lesson from watching Erin Brockovich?? You CANNOT contaminate people and expect to get away with it! This town south of Chicago continued to use well water which officials notified them of being contaminated with cancer causing agents, over 20 years ago. What sparks people to put things before an entire village of people's health? I'm interested in watching the follow-up of this story because the actions on the part of the town water-suppliers seems so primitive and unintelligent. The article didnt go into it but I'm interested in knowing the reprocussions of these people's actions...

Drinking, Phoning, Driving...Not a good combo

It was 'Texas' in the headline that first caught my eye(obvi), however I thought I'd share this article with you. This guy was drinking and driving AND using his phone in the middle of terrential rain. And five little kids died. I mean at some point you have to start questioning if this man had any reasonable level of common sense and intelligence. It sure doesn't sound like it.

Even though I'm sure we all agree that there is nothing more dangerous than drinking and driving...lets take drinking and driving out of it and think about using our cell phones while driving. Personally, even though I use my phone while in the car sometimes, i think it seriously should be outlawed in more places than just CA. I know when I'm driving and i see someone on their phone or texting, they are either not staying in their lane, driving ten miles under the speed limit, not paying attention, etc. I think the media should really delve into more stories like these to show all the irresponsible people out there how freaking risky it is using your phone while youre driving.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Firing Teachers

In detroit, over 600 teachers will be fired and 23 schools will be closed. WHATTTT? I first of all do NOT understand how this is even an option. Mass amount of teachers being laid off? Goodness Gracious! And closing entire schools? What happens to all these kids...they just get forced into another public school where the classes become larger and students have less effective educational experiences? I'm glad USAToday gave this issue coverage because I think something should be done by the government or SOMETHING to help with funding. Because good god we can give millions and millions of dollars to the freaking auto industry but were going to let kids suffer because their schools are getting closed? Why isnt something being done by the big guys in Washington...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Internet Presence after Death

Think about all of your possessions online. Your iTunes library(worth who knows how much) your e-mail accounts, facebook accounts, passwords, blogs, etc. Well, what happens to all of these things after you die? Do they go to someone? Do they disappear into an internet black-hole. How do we deal with possessions and perhaps things of monetary value once we move on from this earth?

Well according to this article in USAToday, new companies are cropping up like Legacy Locker which are online safety deposit boxes for everything from "mail addresses and social networking profiles to sensitive online banking and investment accounts"

Is it a worthwhile investment? Do any of you care what happens to your online assets after you hit the bucket?

Someone call PETA?

"Military researchers have dressed live pigs in body armor and strapped them into Humvee simulators that were then blown up with explosives to study the link between roadside bomb blasts and brain injury."

...My initial reaction to this story was to laugh. I mean the thought of little piggies dressed in military armor is kind of funny. To me at least. But I suppose I should preface that reaction with the fact I'm not a huge animal lover. But then I started thinking about it, and these military researchers are killing hundreds of pigs to decide if body armor causes soldiers more brain injury when they are subjected to blasts. I mean is that seriously a question worth risking all of these animals for? 
I'm not really sure how I feel. My initial reaction is OBVIOUSLY when a soldier becomes victim of a roadside bomb on strong explosive, he is going to undergoes  serious injury. Sadly, that is the nature of war. I'm interested to know what others think-- Is the military justified?
And isn't it a bit questionable to begin with that they are using pigs in comparison to humans and their bodies slash brains. Is it even a relevant experiment's a pig! not a human! I'm not a biology major but how alike are we?


Need money? Print your own!

This article in USAToday explains this town which is printing its own money! This can't be possible right? Well it is, because they are creating their own currency. Locals buy the currency for say 90 cents and get a full dollar value at whichever stores accept it. Now technically I can see how this would encourage spending and growth in local markets. But my gut instinct it that it would have serious ramifications. After all, this is the type of thing that was pulled in the depression...

In a way, it is like gold, except with Gold we are the ones probably getting screwed. We use it only at local bethlehem places, who obviously make their prices a bit more expensive so they get more profit as does the school. My question is what this will do to the dollar...this whole printing your own currency thing? And this is something I would not have ever thought of so when the media and mainstream papers give it serious it going to give other small towns the same idea? Therefor causing even more of an economic problem?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ummm Seriously!?

hahahahaha I just CANNOT help but blog about this one...SOO FUNNY. Please take the time to read the link. This guy got a DUI for drinking and driving his BAR STOOL. Apparently it can go up to 38MPH? Impressive! I love that USAToday posted this little story, very entertaining and such a balance to all the down and out stuff about the economy.

Do yall like reading little retarded but entertaining stories like this...or is it pointless to even cover?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Negative publicity is still...publicity

This article in USAToday quickly briefs the star potential of blogger Perez Hilton and how he still manages to have all kinds of famous friends despite the fact his well known blog trashes and rips a part the majority of hollywood. I think though that he is just a spade in the card game of fame. SO many people read this blog that any talk he gives them ups their status level. Kinda. You have to be pretty A-list to be on 

Social media have really turned into a beast. I mean here we are all blogging about media, but you have someone like Perez Hilton who has turned his blog into his own pocket of fame, by talking about other famous people. Its interesting the type of power that gossip coupled with celebrity has. And a bit sad too. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Orphan Cars

I feel like I just cannot stop talking about the economy...but it isn't my fault! Everything, almost all news stories like I mentioned before come full cirlce and are in some way affected by our economic situation. Here is another story in USAToday regarding these "Orphan" smart cars that have been ordered but no one come to pick up, or backs out of the purchase.

SmartCars are not dealership based. Rather, they are ordered online, and the customer has to pay a $99 down its not a HUGE amount to lose. Well, now there are all kinds of ordered and manufactured smart cars, but with no drivers. Sad.

Its an interesting trend to cover on behalf of USAToday because I have had numerous conversations with parents of my friends and my own parents, who live in citites that car dealerships are on every corner, and apparently cars are just stacked mile high, with no where to put them because no one is buying. But then that makes me think...Shouldn't these companies who are already having to be bought out by the government STOP MANUFACTURING SO MANY DARN CARS. Isn't this a no brainer?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Cover of Talk Show Giants

Well, Ellen DeGeneres' dream has come true...she will be on the cover of 'O' magazine (Oprah's magazine) If you don't know very much about Oprah or Ellen, you probably don't find this situation incredibly entertaining. See, Oprah is ALWAYS on the cover of her own magazine issue. Literally, every single edition of O has her on it. That's just the way it is. So for months Ellen has been making jokes that her dream is to be on the cover of O, which obviously is ridiculous because it is Oprah's magazine and she is without fail, always on the cover.

Oprah made a call into Ellen during Ellen's show and informed her that she would like Ellen to be on the cover with her. And Ellen responded that now her new goal was to make this the highest selling issue of O that Oprah has ever had. And I don't doubt that Ellen will make that happen. These are two of the biggest talk show women ever, each with their own qualities that make them so successful. No, Ellen isn't on Oprah's level in term of wealth, but she is quite the talk show success nonetheless. I can't wait to see what happens when these two media giants come together. I think its going to be a no brainer...

Obama to Iran

USAtoday covered Obama's video address to Iran where he urged that he wants to make negotiations and peace with Iran's government. Personally, I'm not so concerned with what Obama did say in the video although I did like his quote "we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist"...Such a great speaker :) Anyways, what I'm interested in is what media he disseminated this video to. I couldn't find it anywhere on USAtoday, I'm not sure if he wanted to touch that entire geolinguistic region by going through al jazeera where I also found the video, or if the video went directly to Iranian officials. I think Obama is setting the precedent of wanting to change relations with Iran after two or three decades of hostility, and he is doing so by using middle-east centered media. Did you know that the first person Obama gave an interview too after the inauguration was a reporter from MBC?(an Arabic broadcasting station)
In my opinion Obama is trying to change the way he deals with this part of the globe by going through their medias...which is quite the strategy. Anyone agree or disagree?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cloudy Days

The mental health of most American's isn't looking too good according to this website from USAToday

I read the comments on Michelle's post about reality TV, specifically the point Andrew made about people wanting to escape their reality and it started to really drive home for me as I read this article. The general public is seeing a definite decline in happiness and emotional well-being. Obviously, it is directly correlated with the current economic crisis.

I began to think about all of these factors and the role the media plays in a time like this. Does the media reinforce the problems we are all facing...making the situation seem more daunting and inescapable than it actually is...or does the media give us an escape? like reality TV, movies and shows?

Perhaps it is a bit of both...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Obama calls on more education, better teachers, and longer school years to help our economic crisis in the future. It is quite the connection but he definitely has a point. Its interesting to me though that pretty much everything in the news these days is tied to the economic situation our country is currently facing. It just goes to show how everything can always come back to economics.

Have any of you noticed this same trend?...that stories, whether or not they are directly related to economics, somehow are connected? I'd be interested to read some examples. Why is the media focusing so heavily on this....because it is affecting everyone? because they think the reading audience can really identify? or because there isn't anything else to talk about?

Friday, February 27, 2009

They're ready...

According to this article, Americans aren't the only ones ready to have their soldiers back home. The Iraqis are ready and prepared for the military pull out as well. Using quotes from officials and deployed soldiers alike, everyone in this article supports Obama's plan to have the soliders out by August.

I'm interested in knowing if any of you found similar stories that approached the issue differently. Were your medias in agreement? Its interesting because different sources could prove a completely different point on how "ready" Iraq is to have us out...In my mind its a pretty ambiguous "truth" and is left pretty much up to perspective because there are no facts on whether or not the country is going to be able to stand on its own without military support. I suppose only time wil tell...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

One Man Bail Out??

Tiger Woods has become a household name in the past decade. He is considered one of the world's best athletes. For those of you who follow golf, and maybe even those of you who don't but know the greatness that is Tiger...You know he has been out of golf for the past 8 months having reconstructive knee surgery. This article, in USAToday, seems to suggest the Tiger can single handedly pull the golf industry, the PGA Tour, and network ratings out of its slump. The article gives hard statistics that insinuate since Tiger has been out, everything from attendance at tournaments to advertisements for tour stops has gone down. It is crazy to me that one man's absence can have such an adverse affect on an entire sport.

Talk about a testament to the power of fandom! Have we ever seen any other sport that has had one athlete with such a significant impact on the fans and their following? When I think about it though, I love watching golf but I haven't tuned in since Tiger last played at Augusta, over half a year ago.... So maybe the article has a point. I guess I'm just graveling at what it is about Tiger Woods that makes him so powerful for the entire golf industry. And maybe it is just the obvious, that he truly is one of the world's greatest athletes.