Thursday, April 9, 2009

Firing Teachers

In detroit, over 600 teachers will be fired and 23 schools will be closed. WHATTTT? I first of all do NOT understand how this is even an option. Mass amount of teachers being laid off? Goodness Gracious! And closing entire schools? What happens to all these kids...they just get forced into another public school where the classes become larger and students have less effective educational experiences? I'm glad USAToday gave this issue coverage because I think something should be done by the government or SOMETHING to help with funding. Because good god we can give millions and millions of dollars to the freaking auto industry but were going to let kids suffer because their schools are getting closed? Why isnt something being done by the big guys in Washington...


  1. This is horrible. Why is ok to bail out Wall Street when they are the ones who started this whole mess, but the government can't even cough up enough money to save the jobs of teachers, who probably have one of the most important jobs. It just goes to show how the priorities of our society can be very messed up.

  2. I agree. Teachers are one of the most, if not THE MOST imporant people in America, or in any country, for that matter. Teachers, no matter how easy people think coloring with six year olds is, and teaching seventh graders to do long dividion, are shaping and molding the country's future leaders. Without teachers, America has no future.

    Furthermore, without kids being able to learn in a good, nurturing, personalized environment, American will not have future leaders.

  3. I also agree. Teachers, especially in low-income areas, are very important to schools and the kids. And for inner city school to be closing, where the classes are already big, its going to be a shame to jam these kids into other schools. Education will be lost here and kids wont be getting the personal attention they need and deserve to gain values and understanding. Kids will fall through the cracks (or large gaps at the point). This is truly a shame.
